
CHAdeMO V2G webinar #11 CIRCE V2G projects: from Madeira island grid stabilisation to powering a building in Zaragoza
Association & protocol news | EV charging infrastructure | Events, webinars & trade fairs | V2G/VGI


CHAdeMO V2G presentations in Europe (H1/2024)
Association & protocol news | EV charging infrastructure | Events, webinars & trade fairs | V2G/VGI


V2G Webinar #10 V2X FastHub Project: a pop-up mini solar car park for commercially viable V2G energy management
Association & protocol news | EV charging infrastructure | Events, webinars & trade fairs | Members & products | V2G/VGI


V2G Webinar: AC or DC, it does not matter, let’s work together on V2G
Events, webinars & trade fairs | V2G/VGI


CHAdeMO to speak at the “V2X Symposium” in Arnhem
Association & protocol news | V2G/VGI


EV-elocity Project: Can EV batteries be pre-conditioned to minimize degradation through charging?
Events, webinars & trade fairs | V2G/VGI


Innovate UK seeks comments on their V2G project competition proposal 
Members & products | V2G/VGI


CHAdeMO V2G Webinar: V2G demo project from the US
Association & protocol news | Members & products | V2G/VGI


CHAdeMO at eMove trade fair 2022
Events, webinars & trade fairs | Members & products | V2G/VGI


V2G and smart charging can create a win-win situation for EV users and the power sectors
Association & protocol news | Events, webinars & trade fairs | V2G/VGI


CHAdeMO V2G certified to participate in the real-time balancing of the electricity system (FCR) in France
EV charging infrastructure | Members & products | V2G/VGI


CHAdeMO V2G webinar #5: V2G mass market is not in the distant future but need more cross-sector collaboration
Association & protocol news | Events, webinars & trade fairs | V2G/VGI


V2G: AC and DC can co-exist but DC seems going a step ahead today
Association & protocol news | V2G/VGI


CHAdeMO at COP26: Tackling climate change with CHAdeMO V2G
Association & protocol news | Events, webinars & trade fairs | V2G/VGI


CHAdeMO webinar on V2G business viability: lessons learnt from the demonstration projects
Events, webinars & trade fairs | V2G/VGI
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