CHAdeMO had a strong year once again.
Published as international (IEC) and European (EN) standards in the course of the year, 2014 was the year that confirmed CHAdeMO not only as the de facto but also the de jure global standard in DC fast charging. CHAdeMO installation around the globe accelerates as our technical reliability, coupled with our advocacy for multi-standard charging, wins trust from EV drivers, EV and charge point manufacturers and operators, policy makers and investors.
CHAdeMO continues to be the global leader in DC fast charger installation. As of January 2015, we have over 1,500 publicly accessible chargers installed across Europe. As compared to our last data (September 2014), the U.K. remains in the lead, whereas France, with the rapid installation of the Nissan-Auchan initiative, moves into the second place. Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands continue their strong growth.

In the rest of the world, Japan is approaching the 3,000 mark and the USA over 800, and the total CHAdeMO number has surpassed 5,200. Looking back on our article exactly one year ago, we see how the numbers increased in different parts of the world:
One of the drivers of this strong growth in Europe is the aligned messages from the market and the technical /legislative authorities in support of multi-standard chargers to service all types of EVs. In terms of technical standardisation, CHAdeMO was recognised as a DC fast charging standard by respected standards organisations such as IEC and CENELEC in 2014 together with the Combo2 protocol. On the legislation side, the EU Directive on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure (2014/94/EU), which went into effect in the autumn of 2014, embraces CHAdeMO and multi-standard charging.
With this strong alignment, a multitude of multi-standard charger deployment projects have sprung up in different countries across Europe. There are a handful of large-scale projects funded by the European Union (TEN-T projects) already on-going, which will provide 11 European countries with an additional 500 multi-standard chargers by the end of this year, ensuring that CHAdeMO will surpass the 2,000 mark this year.