CHAeMO’s latest family member and e-bike charging protocol ‘Charge2Bike’ saw some developments at this year’s Eurobike in Frankfurt. As part of the conference programme organised by the German bicycle industry association (ZIV), Dan Takahashi from CHAdeMO Association presented updates on the development status of Charge2Bike on 4 July.
He presented the updated target specs, safety features, working group’s on-going tasks and expected development timeline, among others, and encouraged some 50 participants in the room to participate in the making of this industry initiative. Questions were asked form the room concerning the advantages of Charge2Bike, as well as around patent payments. M Takahashi explained the design principles of Charge2Bike and clarified that there would not be any patent payment.
The presentation by M Takahashi can be downloaded from here.
CHAdeMO also held a small stand in Hall 9.0 on the Japan Pavilion, to which the Association’s members, collaborators, and interested parties made a visit for a chat.