

CHAdeMO position statement on e-Bike charging and EN 50604-1

Association & protocol news | EV charging infrastructure | Position papers | Standardisation & harmonisation


Some of our members and their collaborators have asked us about the legitimacy of our standardised EPAC (electrically power assisted cycles) charging solution ‘Charge2Bike,’ in the light of the amendment of EN 15194, which refers to EN 50604-1 for battery safety compliance.


CHAdeMO Association:

  • responds that the EPAC charging solution ‘Charge2Bike[1]’ from CHAdeMO Association provides an ‘Interoperable solution using (…) any other communication solution proved to be equally suitable’ as described in EN 50604-1 + A1:2021, and
  • welcomes industry stakeholders to adopt it


EN 15194:2017  was amended in 2023, and the amendment EN 15194:2017 + A1:2023 is harmonised with the Machinery REgulation 2006/42/EC as of 15 May 2024. EN 15194 defines safety requirements[2] for EPAC batteries by requiring conformity with EN 50604-1:2016 and EN 50604-1:2016/A1:2021, in which requirements for different subsystems are specified.

For the battery management system (BMS), manufacturers have the choice between:

  • Manufacturer specific solutions
  • Interoperable solution using CANopen communication
  • Interoperable solution using any other communication solution proved to be equally suitable

CHAdeMO Association’s Charge2Bike charging interface provides an interoperable solution using ‘any other communication solution proved to be equally suitable as described in EN-50604-1:2016/A1:2021, and the Associatoin welcomes industry stakeholders to evaluate and adopt it.

In case a CHAdeMO EPAC connection box is used as adapter, the EPAC has a manufacturer specific solution.

The Association’s EPAC Working Group will continue its effort towards a standardised EPAC charging solution that is safe, affordable, and interoperable, while leaving room for healthy competition and innovation.


You can download our position statement in PDF from here.

For any enquiries, please contact CHAdeMO Europe Secretariat: or +33 6 9512 2162


[1] Trademark pending.

[2] EN 15194 defines the essential health and safety requirements, such as fire, explosion, emission of hazardous materials and substances, and batteries. The reference from EN 15194 to EN 50604-1 is related to the battery safety and not the charging communication, adapters or charging infrastructure.

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