With the change in the Japanese government’s regulation about the upper limit of DC EV charging voltage level, high voltage charging will allegedly be feasible in Japan. This is expected to accelerate the development of ultra-fast charging of high-voltage vehicles and vessels.
Against this backdrop, e-Mobility Power (eMP), the largest CPO in Japan, announced last month that it would develop a next-gen super fast charger with a maximum output power of 400kW using CHAdeMO, jointly with a Japanese charger manufacturer Takaoka Toko, who has cumulative sales of about 5,000 DC fast chargers in Japan.
The development of a CHAdeMO-standard fast charger with a maximum output of 350 kW per unit is a world first, says eMP.
According to e-Mobilty Power’s press release, these two companies will co-develop the next-gen super fast CHAdeMO charger which shall allow for:
- Faster charging with maximum 350kW output per unit of the CHAdeMO standard based on maximum 1000V, enabling 400km of autonomy in 10 minutes (theoretical values).
- Operation with ease by reducing the connector weight by 30%, cable thickness by 10%, and cable weight by 20%, enabling one-hand operation.
- Time charge as well as kWh charge, dynamic pricing-ready. Accessible for all users.
Source: Press release e-Mobility Power, Takaoka Toko (2024/05/23)