150kWModel name: HC0358 HC0179
The battery-integrated PowerX Hypercharger enables sustainable ultrafast EV charging (up to 240kW) powered by renewable energy.
Connector: CHAdeMO
Number of ports: Compact 1 / Standard 2
Battery: Compact 179kWh / Standard 358kWh
Max DC output power: 150kW(Boost mode) / 120kW(Continuous rating)
Input: 3phase 200V / 400V
Communication protocol: CHAdeMO 2.0.1 - FEATURES
An all-in-one storage battery solution integrated with a transformer, power controller, and EV charger, Hypercharger can operate with a low-voltage (200V) electrical connection. This allows for ultrafast EV charging without the need for costly high-voltage infrastructure and complicated construction.
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- CHAdeMO comments for AFIR delegated act draft
- Association & protocol news | EV charging infrastructure | Position papers | Standardisation & harmonisation

- High voltage charging now possible in Japan
- EV charging infrastructure | Members & products

- Information package on CHAdeMO standard for EPAC charger (Charge2Bike v1.2) now available
- Association & protocol news | Standardisation & harmonisation