Model name: LiBAL Fast Charge Interface
the LiBAL Fast Charge Interface is designed as an accessory to the Lithium Balance BMS product line, allowing fast, safe and simple addition of DC charging capabilities to any vehicle powered by Lithium Balance BMS.
Charging standard : CHAdeMO 1.0.1
Supply : 6VDC to 16VDC (12V optimal)
Consumption : 80 _ 100 mA @ 12VDC
Dimensions : 103.5mm X 101.6mm X 42.3mm
Installation : 2 X M6 Bolts
Efficiency : 95% - FEATURES
About manufacturer
- Company description
- While developing applications like electric vehicles, busses, scooters, motorcycles, trucks, industrial machines or wheelchair for disabled people, the team from LiTHIUM BALANCE is devoted to make BMS systems which meet the required safety, performance and reliability standards.In addition, we deliver a flexible BMS easy to tailor to specific application needs at an efficient cost level.
- Markets covered
Europe, North & South America, Asia, Africa, Australia & Oceania
- EV products
BMS, fast charging interface
Manufacturer news

- CHAdeMO comments for AFIR delegated act draft
- Association & protocol news | EV charging infrastructure | Position papers | Standardisation & harmonisation

- High voltage charging now possible in Japan
- EV charging infrastructure | Members & products

- Information package on CHAdeMO standard for EPAC charger (Charge2Bike v1.2) now available
- Association & protocol news | Standardisation & harmonisation