

V2G and smart charging can create a win-win situation for EV users and the power sectors

Association & protocol news | Events, webinars & trade fairs | V2G/VGI

On 30 June, CHAdeMO Association organised the 6th edition of CHAdeMO V2G webinar entitled ‘How to create a win-win solution for both EV drivers & the power sector.

In pursuing the European Green Deal and in response to the current energy crisis, Europe is accelerating its move forwards the electrification of transport and enhanced energy efficiency. Ongoing discussions surrounding the Fit-for-55 package also reaffirm the ambitions and eagerness of the EU and its Member States to improve their energy efficiency in particularly by enhancing the integration of renewable energy (RE) sources. Our speakers demonstrated the benefits that V2G and smart charging could offer in improving energy efficiency, while bringing added values to consumers and the power systems.

Mr Jaap Burger of the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) explained that the energy world is often complicated for consumers but good smart charging systems could translate this complexity to simple user interactions. For example, EV drivers can benefit from cost savings without having to interact with chargers and apps on a daily basis. Such technology also makes on-site energy management easier without compromising the users’ charging needs. Charging EVs smartly not only brings benefits for users, but it also offers a whole suite of power system benefits. The output of RE generation can vary over the course of a day. When more RE is supplied, wholesale market prices are very often much lower; shifting EV charging to such times can reduce uneconomic curtailment.

Jaap Burger's presentation

Another speaker, Mr Xavier Moreau, Smart En’s E-mobility Task Force, indicated that there would be massive number of batteries coming on to the market towards 2030 upon the completion of the 120 planned giga factories in Europe. According to Xavier, these batteries will end up in vehicles which will stay in a parking, depots or in a garage 90% of the time and can constitute important distributed energy resources (DER), and EV batteries will soon offer more capacity than pumped hydro storage.

Xavier Moreau's presentation

Jaap Burger's presentation
Xavier Moreau's presentation

How can we accelerate V2G and smart charging? Both speakers suggest that V2G and smart charging should be the default option for charging infrastructure everywhere, in public and private settings alike. Xavier explains that at least 50% of the peak solar rooftop capacity installed on a building should be absorbable by EVs in the parking to maximize the use of RE. Another suggestion would be the empowerment of consumers to make informed choices. Users often lack clear information on savings potential and other general information on the benefit of V2G and smart charging. According to Jaap, users who understand the benefits of flexible smart charging are more likely to participate in demand response and provide services to the grid.

With the transition to EVs in full swing and at an accelerated pace, it is time to accelerate the uptake of V2G and smart charging. As the unique provider of V2G standard, CHAdeMO Association will continue its technological innovations and support the efforts carried out by other stakeholders.

Presentations and video archive is available here:

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